Fisher Funds investment products are all registered as portfolio investment entities (PIEs). This means the tax payable on the investment income related to your account is based on your prescribed investor rate (PIR).
How to work out your PIR
There are three different PIR rates – 10.5%, 17.5% and 28% for KiwiSaver and Superannuation investments. A PIR of 0% may be available for certain entities that invest in our managed funds products. You can calculate your PIR based on your total income (including PIE income) in each of the last two income years. You can use this handy diagram to work out your PIR.
How to update your PIR
You can check or change your PIR by logging in to your Fisher Funds Online account and clicking on 'My Details'.
Please note that Inland Revenue will advise us to change your PIR to the rate they believe to be correct based on the taxable income they have on record for you.
Where to find a copy of your tax certificate
If you need a copy of your tax certificate, you can download these from the ‘My Reports’ section of your Fisher Funds Online account.